sss3 Mock English Test Of Orals

by Loise Braina


                                 SSS3 MOCK 

                          2023/2024 SESSION 


                                TEST OF ORALS 

                           SECTION 1 

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s)  underlined. 

  1. kit (a) parted (b) quay (c) key (d) route 2. red (a) paid (b) leopard (c) people (d) quay 3. car (a) gaunt (b) rank (c) aunt (d) bank 4. thought (a) lock (b) purse (c) wander (d) laudable 
  2. crude (a) rush (b) gust (c) full (d) hew 6. turn (a) worn (b) sweaty (c) dirty (d) born 7. lawyer (a) party (b) nature (c) value (d) limbo 8. act (a) mass (b) pass (c) class (d) lark 9. seed (a) receive (b) leisure (c) neighbour (d) eight 10. love (a) courses (b) country (c) boutique (d) rout 11. day (a) says (b) meat (c) great (d) beat 12. no (a) how (b) bout (c) canoe (d) blow 13. cow (a) plough (b) arrow (c) shallow (d) root 14. light (a) piece (b) believe (c) tie (d) besiege 15. care (a) steer (b) flair (c) here (d) beer 


From the words lettered A to D, Choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the  letter(s) underlined. 

  1. sand (a) dance (b) sandwich (c) handkerchief (d) adjective 17. tea (a) cared (b) flogged (c) nursed (d) slammed 18. chance (a) sachet (b) starch (c) moustache (d) nonchalant 19. see (a) wise (b) cows (c) his (d) peace 20. was (a) devise (b) converse (c) reverse (d) mice 21. vision (a) pension (b) tension (c) collusion (d) attention 22. barrage (a) storage (b) camouflage (c) passage (d) haulage 23. call (a) cellar (b) achiever (c) brochure (d) archaic 24. luck (a) rally (b) walk (c) balm (d) should 25. purse (a) coup (b) physique (c) paper (d) receipt 26. bring (a) hinge (b) hunger (c) stranger (d) manager 27. street (a) petrol (b) stark (c) beast (d) straight 28. supply (a) compel (b) debris (c) practice (d) lose 29. voice (a) phase (b) feed (c) of (d) off 30. spray (a) spirit (b) separate (c) splendid (d) offspring 


From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word. 

  1. done (a) pun (b) don (c) dawn (d) gone 32. shook (a) hoot (b) hook (c) roof (d) soak 33. count (a) hunt (b) bounty (c) fountain (d) amount 34. amend (a) rescind (b) abound (c) depend (d) resent 35. foolish (a) polish (b) tarnish (c) childish (d) ghoulish


In each of the following questions, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital  letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress. 

  1. difficulty (a) DIF-fi-cul-ty (b) dif-FI-cul-ty (c) dif-fi-CUL-ty (d) dif-fi-cul-TY 37. electrify (a) E-lec-tri-fy (b) e-LEC-tri-fy (c) e-lec-TRI-fy (d) e-lec-tri-FY 38. category (a) CAT-e-go-ry (b) cat-E-go-ry (c) cat-e-GO-ry (d) cat-e-go-RY. 39. interference (a) IN-ter-fer-ence (b) in-TER-fer-ence (c) in-ter-FER-ence (d) in-ter-fer-ENCE 40. contribution (a) CON-tri-bu-tion (b) con-TRI-bu-tion (c) con-tri-BU-tion (d) con-tri-bu-TION 


In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with the  different stress pattern. 

  1. (a) proffer (b) interest (c) physique (d) suburb 42. (a) genuine (b) debate (c) effect (d) device 43. (a) extent (b) purchase (c) morale (d) concern 44. (a) colonise (b) devastate (c) comprehend (d) pacify 45. (a) important (b) distribute (c) exhibit (d) cigarette 


In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the  questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer. 46. Uncle Ben bought Ngozi a new COMPUTER. (a) Did Uncle Nike buy Ngozi a new computer? (b) Did Uncle Ben  lend Ngozi a new computer? (c) Did Uncle Ben buy Ngozi an old computer? (d) Did Uncle Ben buy Ngozi a  new handset? 

  1. Mary scrubs the TOILETS on Saturdays. (a) Does Mother scrub the toilets on Saturday? (b) Does Mary sweep the  toilets on Saturday? (c) Does Mary scrub the kitchen on Saturday? (d) Does Mary scrub the kitchen on weekdays? 48. Mummy loves FRIED RICE for lunch. (a) Does Aunty love fried rice for lunch? (b) Does Mummy hate fried rice  for lunch? (c) Does Mummy love pounded yam for lunch? (d) Does Mummy love fried rice for dinner? 49. The judge ORDERED the suspect to be locked up (a) Did the police ordered the suspect to be locked up? (b) Did  the judge request the suspect to be locked up? (c) Did the judge order the defence counsel to be locked up? (d) Did  the judge order the suspect to be released? 
  2. Men are USUALLY strict in official matters. (a) Are women usually strict in official matters? (b) Are men rarely  strict in official matters? (c) Are men usually strict in private matters? (d) Are men usually strict in private matters? 


From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol. 51. / a: / (a) can’t (b) brand (c) act (d) mat 52. / b / (a) plumber (b) doubtful (c) slumber (d) debtor 53. / ͻ: / (a) gone (b) nod (c) water (d) fond 54. / ᴣ: / (a) cousin (b) judge (c) month (d) attorney 55. / / (a) cough (b) lock (c) clerk (d) tough 56. / n / (a) sign (b) damn (c) longing (d) hanger 57. / l / (a) half (b) film (c) chalk (d) talk 58. / k / (a) cars (b) loose (c) cease (d) lace 59. / t / (a) whistle (b) walked (c) bustle (d) castle 60. / g / (a) gender (b) gym (c) ghastly (d) gem

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