SS3 Mock Literature Examination Question

by Loise Braina



1hr 30mins

Paper I

                      SECTION A

            Answer all the questions in this section

                               PART 1

                 General Knowledge of Literature

  1. Identify the literary device in the sentence “Her eyes, two smoldering embers, burned with unspoken anger.”  a) Simile  b) Metaphor c) Personification d) Hyperbole
  2. Which device is used in the phrase “a storm of emotions raged within him”? a) Onomatopoeia  b) Metonymy
  3. c) Hyperbole d) Synecdoche
  4. The line “The wind howled like a banshee” uses:
  5. a) Alliteration b) Simile c) Personification d) Onomatopoeia
  6. What device is employed in the phrase “the weight of the world on his shoulders”?
  7. a) Metaphor b) Hyperbole c) Metonymy d) Synecdoche
  8. In the line “the clock ticked impatiently,” the sound of the clock is treated as:
  9. a) Personification b) Onomatopoeia  c) Hyperbole d) Simile
  10. Which literary device is present in the following sentence: “Her laughter, a cascading waterfall, filled the room.” a) Alliteration b) Simile c) Hyperbole d) Metaphor
  11. Identify the device used in the phrase “a sea of faces stared back at him.”
  12. a) Metaphor b) Simile c) Hyperbole d) Synecdoche
  13. Which is the literary device in the line “The old dog’s eyes reflected a lifetime of sadness”?**
  14. a) Personification b) Metaphor c) Simile d) Alliteration
  15. The phrase “His heart, a stone in his chest,” uses:
  16. a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Hyperbole  d) Personification
  17. Which device strengthens the image of a desolate landscape in the phrase “a skeletal tree clawed at the windswept sky”?  a) Onomatopoeia  b) Alliteration c) Personification d) Simile
  18. Which term refers to hints or clues planted by the author about future events in the story?
  19. a) Climax b) Foreshadowing c) Denouement d) Flashback
  20. In a narrative, the sequence of events that form the story is called the:
  21. a) Theme b) Plot c) Setting d) Character arc
  22. “Animal Farm” by George Orwell primarily uses satire to:
  23. a) Celebrate animal rights b) Mock political corruption c) Promote agricultural reform d) Explore human-animal relationships
  24. Which is NOT a type of irony commonly used in literature?
  25. a) Situational irony  b) Dramatic irony c) Verbal irony d) Numerical irony
  26. A tragic hero is an admirable character who suffers a downfall due to a fatal flaw. Who exemplifies this archetype? a) Romeo from Romeo and Juliet b) Gatsby from The Great Gatsby c) Scout Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird d) Odysseus from The Odyssey
  27. Characterization refers to how a character is presented, while development describes:
  28. a) The author’s opinion of the character b) The character’s physical appearance c) The changes the character undergoes d) The character’s relationship with other characters
  29. Which example is NOT a type of figurative language:
  30. a) Simile (e.g., “Her eyes were like sapphires”) b) Metaphor (e.g., “The city is a concrete jungle”)  c) Hyperbole (e.g., “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse”) d) Onomatopoeia (e.g., “The cat hissed at the dog”)
  31. Historical fiction, science fiction, and fantasy are examples of literary:
  32. a) Themes b) Genres c) Narratives d) Settings
  33. The overall atmosphere or feeling created by a literary work is often referred to as its:
  34. a) Plot b) Mood c) Point of view d) Characterization
  35. When the character tells the story using “I,” what narrative perspective is used?
  36. a) First-person b) Second-person c) Third-person limited d) Third-person omniscient

                           PART II

                 UNSEEN PROSE AND POETRY

        Read the passage and answer Questions 21 to 25.

        Unseen Prose Passage:

Amelia stood at the edge of the cliff, the sea breeze tousling her hair as she gazed out at the vast expanse of the ocean. The waves crashed against the rocks below, creating a symphony of sound that echoed through the air. The sun dipped towards the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over everything in sight. Lost in the beauty of the moment, Amelia felt a sense of tranquility wash over her, momentarily forgetting the worries that burdened her mind.

Objective Questions:


  1. What is the primary setting described in the passage?**
  2. A) A mountaintop B) A cityscape C) A cliff by the sea D) A forest clearing


  1. Which sensory detail is not mentioned in the passage?**
  2. A) Sound of crashing waves B) Scent of flowers C) Warm glow of the sun D) Feeling of raindrops
  3. What emotion does Amelia experience while standing at the cliff’s edge?**
  4. A) Fear B) Tranquility C) Sadness D) Confusion
  5. Which literary device is used to describe the sun in the passage?**
  6. A) Simile B) Metaphor C) Personification D) Hyperbole
  7. What time of day is implied in the passage?
  8. A) Morning B) Afternoon C) Evening D) Night

Read the poem and answer Questions 26 to 30.

Under the moon’s soft glow,  

A garden of roses in bloom;  

Petals whisper secrets untold,  

Their fragrance fills the room.


Dancing leaves in the breeze,  

A symphony of nature’s song;  

Each note whispers tales of old,  

A melody that lingers long.*

  1. What imagery is used to describe the roses in the poem?
  2. A) Whispering secrets B) Dancing leaves C) Fragrance filling the room D) Moon’s soft glow

27.What is the predominant theme conveyed in the poem?**

  1. A) Nature’s beauty B) Secrets of roses C) Melancholy of moonlight D) A garden’s solitude
  2. What literary device is used to describe the leaves in the breeze?**
  3. A) Metaphor B) Simile C) Personification D) Alliteration
  4. What effect does the moonlight have on the garden according to the poem? A) It creates a mysterious atmosphere B) It brightens the room C) It enhances the fragrance of roses D) It makes the leaves dance
  5. What emotion or feeling is evoked by the poem’s imagery and descriptions? A) Sadness B) Tranquility
  6. C) Fear D) Excitement

                           SECTION B

             Answer all the Questions in this section.


                Read the extract below and answer

                 questions 31 to 35.

Go, Philostrate, Stir up the Athenian youth to mernments;

Awake the pert and nimble spirit of mirth;

Turn melancholy forth to funerals:

The pale companion is not for our


Hippolyta, I wooed thee with my


And won thy love doing thee injuries;

But I will wed thee in another key,

With pomp, with triumph, and with


(Act I, Sccne One, Lines 12-20)


  1. Who is the speaker? A. Demetrius B.4 Egeus C. Hermia D. Theseus
  2. Philostrate is the A. clown of Hippolyta. B. Duke’s entertainer. C. fairy king’s cuckold. D. rival of Puck.
  3. The speaker s attitude towards melancholy is A. adoration. B. dislike. C. intolerance. D. tolerance.


  1. While the speaker is talking, A. Egeus departs. B. Flute arrives. C. the fairies sing. D. Philostrate departs.
  2. To win Hippolyta’s love, the speaker A. disowned his friends. B. had to fight against her. C. killed his father D. sent Puck away.

Read the extract below and answer

questions 36 to 40.


Speaker X: Thou runaway, thou cow-

ard, art thou fled?

Speak! In some bush? Where

dost thou hide thy head?


Speaker Y: Thou coward, art thou

bragging to the stars,

Telling the bushes that

thou look’st for wars,

And wilt not come? Come, recreant,



thou child:

T’ll whip thee with a rod. He is defiled


That draws a sword on thee.

(Act 11, Scene Two, Lines 405-411)


  1. Speakers X and Y are A. Demetrius and Puck. B. Lysander and Demetrius. C. Hermia and Helena. D. Lysander and Puck.
  2. Speaker Y speaks in the voice of A. Bottom. B. Demetrius. C. Oberon. D. Lysander
  3. Speaker Y’s inltention is to stop a A plan. B fight. C. plot. D. flight.
  4. The wars are over A. Helena. B. Titania C. Hermia D. Hippolyta.
  5. Speaker Y’s speech can be described as A. cowardly. B. solemn. C. taunting. D. silly.

Read the extract below and answer

questions 41 to 45.

… seest thou this sweet sight?

Her dotage now I do begin to pity,

For meeting her of late behind the|l.


Seeking sweet favours for this hateful


I did upbraid her, and fall out with her.

For she his hairy temples then had



With coronet of fresh and fragrant


(Act IV, Scene One, Lines 42 -48)

  1. The speaker is A. Egeus. B. Oberon. C. Puck. D. Theseus.
  2. The relationship between the speaker and thou in the first line is one of A. companionship. B. friendship. C. King and courtier. D. master and errand boy.
  3. this sweet sight refers to A. Bottom and Titania. B. Demetrius and Helena. C. Lysander and Hermia. D. Pyramus and Thisbe.
  4. The pair are lovers by A. accident. B. fate C. design. D. fortune.
  5. The speaker appears to be A. blaming himself. B. commending the addressee C. enjoying himself. D. lamenting the sight.

Read the extract below and answer

Questions 46 lo 50.

… Man is but an ass if he go about to

expound this dream. Methought I was


is no man can tell

what. Methought I was, and methought

I had-

but man is

but a patched fool, if he will offer

to say what methought I

had. The eye of man hath not heard,

the ear of

man hath not

seen, man’s hand is not able to taste,


tongue to conceive, nor

his heart to report, what my dream


(Act IV, Scene One, Lines 201- 207)

  1. The speaker is A. Bottom. B. Puck. C. Quince. D. Peaseblossom.
  2. The speaker has just come out ot A. an appalling experience. B. a nightmare. C. an induced sleep. D. a rehearsal.
  3. The architect of the speaker’s current state is A. Hippolyta. B. Oberon. C. Titania. D. Theseus.
  4. It is a state of A. deception. B. ignorance. C. illusion. D. innocence.
  5. The speaker’s language is best deseribed as A. comic. B. satiric. C. conceit. D. metaphoric.





Develop not fewer than five points in your answers.

Answer one question in each section 




BUCHI EMECHETA: Second Class Citizen

  1. Account for the contribution of Lawyer Nweze to the development of the plot.
  2. Compare Ada with Francis in the novel

ALEX AGYEI AGYIRI: Unexpected Joy at Dawn

  1. How is Massa buried in the novel?
  2. How does the expulsion of aliens from Nigeria affect Nii in the novel?




RALPH ELLISON: Invisible Man

  1. Examine the narator’s experience with Kimbro in the novel.
  2. How does Ras represent the whiteman’s perceptions and treatment of blacks in the novel?

EMILE BRONTE: Wuthering Heights

  1. Examine the significance of Lock-wood’s second visit to Wuthering Heights.
  2. What is the relationship between Cathy and Hareton?


         PAPER 11

2hrs 30min


Answer one question in each section 




JOHN, K. KARGBO: Let Me Die Alone

  1. How do men behave towards women in the play?
  2. Discuss Gbanya as a remarkable character.

WOLE, SOYINKA: The Lion and the Jewel

  1. How is the contest between tradition and modernity presented in the play?

Discuss the significance of the use of

play-within-a-play technique.




JOHN, OSBORNE: Look Back in Anger

  1. Consider Jimmy’s views about the Victorian society of his time.
  2. Comment on Alison’s reaction to Jinmy’s attacks on her family


  1. How does Troy’s upbringing influence his relationship with his children?
  2. To what extent does Gabriel provide comic relief in the play?




  1. How effective is the use of contrast in Song of the Women af my Land?
  2. Examine The Leader and the Led as a criticism of leadership in Africa.



  1. Consider the mood of the persona in The Good Morrow
  2. Discuss the theme of regret in The Journey of the Magi.

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