SS2 Literature Past Questions- Second Term

SS2 Literature Past Questions- Second Term

by iniobongokon

Get your free Literature past questions and answer here for self study. Teachers are advised to ensure that all questions set are in line with with what was treated in the class and the scheme of work. To teachers, this Literature questions serve as guide on how standard questions are set. While to students it serves as revision for exams preparation.

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CLASS:             SSS TWO                             


TIME:               2hrs


SECTION A                                                                           PART 1

  1. A group of people or a person who comment on the happenings in a play is called…. A. Claque B. chorus C. audience D. cast
  2. Adaeze worked so hard that now she is referred to as the Socrates of our class. The emboldened is….. A. metaphor B. personification C. caricature D. antonomasia.
  3. A story that starts from the middle is told in…. A. chronological order B. medias-res C. flash back D. dejas- vous
  4. A piece of badly written poem with irregular rhythm and no rhymes at all, that also lacks style and taste is called. A. farce B. pastoral C. doggerel D. lampoon
  5. I cannot stand Delias cold passion anymore. Dede shouted. The emboldened is called A. pun B. contrast C. anti-thesis D. paradox
  6. He brought in the story of David and Goliath into the plot. The writer made use of …. A. referencing B. reminiscence C. recapitulation D. allusion
  7. A writer’s choice of words is his ______(a) diction (b) mood (c) tone (d) setting
  8.  A deliberate use of exaggeration for the purpose of humor/emphasis is ______(a) metaphor (b) irony (c) simile (d) hyperbole
  9. A piece of writing or speech at the beginning of a work of art is the

(a) prologue (b) dialogue                          (c) monologue (d) epilogue

  1.  What sustains the interest of a reader in all literature is (a) ambiguity (b) characterization (c) suspense (d) plot
  2.  In literature, another name for denouement is (a) resolution (b) reference                      (c) inference  (d) deregulation
  3. The opposite of the part that introduces the main work in literature is known as ___ (a) prologue (b) epitome (c) epilogue   (d) epitaph        
  4.  Dramatis personae in a play refers to ____(a) list of characters  (b) order of appearance     (c) cast list   (d) protagonist and antagonist     
  5.  _____ applies to both tragedy and comic plays (a) horrifying end (b) happy ending                 (c) bomb blast (d) plot
  6.    Which of the following options is the stronghold of poetry? (a) emotion only (b) ideas    only (c) beauty only                (d) all of the above       
  7. A narration is said to be an epistolary work if it is largely conceived in:                                           (a) essays (b) episodes (c) arguments     (d) letters
  8. In the poetic line, “I am the enemy you killed, my friend,” the literary device noticeable    there is a/an ___    (a) hyperbole (b) oxymoron (c)           synaesthesia (d) onomatopoeia
  9. “What is our life? A play of passion?” What is the pronounced device deployed in that single poetic line? A/An (a) simile (b) rhetorical question(c) allusive phraseology (d) metaphor
  1. Rhyming words ______       (a) have similar spellings (b) are parallel lines                      (c) sound alike (d) convey meaning
  2. The specific literary term used to distinguish a novel from a play is ________ genre(b) verse (c) act (d) passage

Read the extract below and answer questions 21 – 24

                        ‘Like the dew on the thorn

                        Like the foam below a valley

                        Like the bubble on a sweet babe born

                        Thou art gone, forever rarely’

  • The extract arouses in the reader a feeling of (a) anxiety (b) sorrow (c) joy (d) ecstasy
  • One of the literary devices used in the extract is ____(a) personification        (b) repetition (c)        hyperbole (d) paradox
  • The rhyme scheme of the above extract is (a) abba (b) abab (c) aabb (d) abcd
  • ‘A joyful tear’ is an example of which figure of speech? (a) simile (b) metaphor (c)             hyperbole (d) oxymoron

Read the passage below and answer questions 25 to 29

When he was little, he would ask his mother. sometimes as he lay in the cold little room and looked up at her as she sat beside the bed stroking his hair why two boys from his class had thrown stones at a dog; or why on another occasion a gang of them had broken into an empty house, smashing the thick door which had curved mouldings on the front which had been turned by carpenters years before; or why he had ended up in a fight which had begun when a little girl had shouted names at him which made no sense about his house and his mother and others had joined in and he had rushed at them, scattering them as some shricked and some laughed and he flaied about with his hard little fists and tears in his eyes. His mother would smile, say ‘shhh’ and he would drift to sleep with the heart shape of her face imprinted on his mind.

  • The dominant feeling in the passage is that of A. nostalgia B. anger C. expectancy D. fear
  • The feelings is conveyed by the A. mouldings on the door B. boys; actions C. tender care of his mother D. little girl’s taunts
  • The dominant literary device in the passage is A. personification B. antithesis C. litotes D. parallelism
  • . ..and he had rushed at them, scattering them as some strieked and some laughed illustrates A. onomatopoeia B. climax C. metaphor D. metonymy
  • The main character is A. playful B. inquisitive C. sad D. humorous

Read the passage below and answer questions 30-

If that may be, then all is well. Come sit down, every mother’s son, and rehearse your parts. Pyramus, you begin when you have spoken your speech, enter into that brake, and so everyone according to his cue

  • Who is the speaker? (A) Quince. (B) Bottom. (F) Flute. (D) Puck.
  • “Pyranus, you begin…” You begin what? (A). The counting. (B) The play. (C) The singing. (D). The Hunting.
  • Does pyramus begin immediately? (A) Yes. (B) No. (C) Not sure. (D) Was not there.
  • Why did pyramus begin not at once? (A) Interruption by Puck. (B) Interruption by Bottom. (C) Interruption by flute. (D) Interruption by Oberon.
  • The magic juice first affected one of these young Athians. A. Demetrius B. Hermia C. Lysander D. Helena
  •  Hermia’s father wanted her to marry one of the following men: (A) Demetius.(B). Hermia’s. (C) Lysander. (D) Helena.
  • The Duration of A Midsummer Night’s Dream is: (A) four days. (B) Two days. (C) Three nights. (D) Two nights.
  • Who is the master of the Revels? (A) Puck. (B) Peaseblossom. (C) Philosrate. (D) Pyramus.
  • The non-Athenian in the plays is (A) Demetrius (B) Lysander (C) Hippolyta (D) Egeus.
  • The play is not about any of this events: (A) It is a play centered on mistaken identity. (B) It is about what magic could possibly do. (C) It is what artisan could achieve. (D) It is a play in which drams play a part.
  • Only one of the following claims is true of Nick bottom (A) overconfident Weaver. (B) Handsome without the ass-head. (B) wonderful magician. (D) secretly loved by Titania.
  • Only one of the following is true of Puck: (A) He is a professional carpenter. (B) He manufacture love-potion. (C) Initially a fairy and later a human being. (D) All through the play Oberon’s prankster.

Read ALSO: How to Write Business Proposal and Examples

Read the passage below and answer questions

            My lord fair Helen told me of their stealth,

            Of this their purpose hither in the wood

            And I in fairy hither follow them

            Fair Helena in fancy following me.

            But my good lord, I wot not by what power-

            But by some power it is – my love to Hermia

  • Who is the speaker? (A) Puck (B) Demetrius (C) Lysander (D) Theseus
  • To who? (A) Theseus (B) Lysander (C) Queen (D) Egeus.
  • About who? (A) Helena (B) Hermia (C) Lysander (D) Egeus
  • Whose ‘stealth’? (A) Bottom-Titania. (B) Oberon-Titania (C) Demetrius-Helena (D) Lysander-Hermia
  •  “I work not…’ (Line 5) means: (A) I work not (B) I’m worth not (C) In know not (D) I care not.
  • “… fancy (Line 4) refers to: (A) Racing (B) Love (C) Hunting (D) Forestry.
  • In Act 3, Titania fall in love with: (A) snug (B) Mustard seed (C) Bottom (D) Cobweb
  • At the end of the play, who does Demetrius love? (A) Hermia (B) Hippolyta (C) Helena (D) Titania.
  • Oberon asks for something which Titania is not prepared to give: (A) An Indian boy (B) Magic Juice (C);A maid (D) A wand.

THEORY                                                                                 PAPER2




  1. Give a detailed plot structure of the drama?
  2. Write short note on the following: (i)Helena (ii) Hermia (iii)Oberon




  1. How far is it correct to say that the new revolutionary government in Ghana depicted in the novel is a failure?
  2. Discuss in detail the theme of xenophobia in unexpected joy at dawn




  1. Closely examine the background and setting of the poem Black woman as they have to do with the contents
  1. ‘Black woman’ is a poem about an African’s woman beauty. Discuss




  • Provide a detailed background and setting of the poem
  • Discuss the poet’s use of imagery in ‘Binsey Poplars’

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