Teachers’ Qualifications and Students Academic Performance In Biology

by iniobongokon

Teachers’ Qualifications and Students’ Academic Performance In Biology. This research project is to investigate how a teacher’s qualification affects students’ performance in Biology.

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Teachers’ Qualifications and Students’ Academic Performance In Biology.



The review of related literature was written under the following headings such as theoretical framework, conceptual framework, empirical review and summary of related literature reviewed.

2.1     Conceptual Review

This section deals with the review of concepts that are used in this study. They are reviewed based on the following sub-headings:

2.1.1  Teacher’s Qualification

2.1.2 Concept of School Types

2.1.1  Teacher’s Qualification

Qualification is seen as special or type of experience or knowledge that makes someone suitable to do a particular job or activity (Musau and Migosi, 2015). Therefore, teachers’ qualification is a particular skill or type of experience or knowledge that someone possesses to make him or her suitable to teach. Teachers’ qualification is all the skills require to teach effectively. Such skills include formal education attainment, knowledge of subject matter, pedagogy studies, duration of training/certificates/licensing and professional development. It is also important that professional development and experience also count for teachers’ qualification. Qualification is one of the critical factors that drive students’ academic performance as observed by (Ekanem, 2013).

Similarly, the quality of education at any level depends largely on the qualification and commitment of the teacher.

Thus, the National Policy on Education (2013) section 5 paragraph 92, states that no educational system can rise above the quality of its teachers. In science teaching and learning, the role of basic science teacher cannot be over-emphasized.

The teacher engages in interactive behaviour with learners, effective-cognitive, affective and psychomotor changes in them. The basic science teacher is an engineer in the teaching and learning of science as the teacher selects the instructional objectives, contents, method learning experiences, organizes the experiences and evaluates the outcome of instruction with respect to the stated objectives (Nicholl and Nicholl, 2011). The personality, behaviour and attitude of the basic science teacher therefore cast too import as impression on the child’s mind.

The basic science teacher can neither be dispensed with nor can he be totally replaced by the use of modern electronic equipment in teaching. The professional background and commitment of the science teacher determines to some extent the quality of performance of learners in all subjects. Confirming thus, Druva and Anderson (2010), found that the instructional effectiveness of teachers in science subjects is positively correlated with successful teaching. The teacher’s effectiveness therefore could reasonable be assessed by the degree to which he has produced the desired behavoiur in his learners.

Research Design

The design of the study was a descriptive survey. This design was adopted as the researcher did not have control over the independent variable in the study. The teachers’ qualification under this study was: NCE and B. Sc. (Ed.), school type and teachers’ being independent sub variables had already occurred in the course of teaching and learning Basic science.



          This chapter concerns the statistical analysis and interpretation of data relevant to each research questions and corresponding hypotheses taken one after the other and the summary of findings of testing the three null hypotheses was also presented. Findings from testing each of the hypotheses were discussed. Furthermore, each of the hypotheses used in this study was tested at 0.05 level of significance.

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