The SSS 1 Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work for the second term is focused on understanding the reproductive systems of farm animals, with an emphasis on livestock management and poultry production. This course will guide students through various topics, such as the reproductive anatomy of farm animals, hormonal regulation of reproduction, and the critical concepts involved in poultry and livestock production.
SSS 1 Animal Husbandry Scheme of Work for Second Term
Week | Topic | Content |
Week 1 | Reproduction in Farm Animals | Introduction to reproduction in farm animals, including methods of breeding, gestation periods, and offspring care. |
Week 2 | Reproduction in Farm Animals II | Continuation of reproduction in farm animals, focusing on different types of breeding systems and reproductive health management. |
Week 3 | The Reproductive System in Farm Animals | Detailed study of the reproductive organs in male and female farm animals, including structure and function. |
Week 4 | Poultry with Emphasis on Egg Production | Study of poultry reproduction, particularly egg production processes, from laying to hatching. |
Week 5 | Terminologies Used with Livestock | Introduction to key terms and concepts used in livestock management, including breeding, weaning, and culling. |
Week 6 | Reproductive Hormones and Their Functions | Understanding the role of hormones like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and their effects on reproduction in farm animals. |
Week 7 | Revision | Review of all topics covered in the term, focusing on reinforcing understanding of reproductive processes and livestock management. |
Week 8 | Examination | Final examination testing knowledge of all topics covered in the second term of Animal Husbandry. |
Week 1: Reproduction in Farm Animals
This week introduces students to the basic principles of reproduction in farm animals. Students will learn about various methods of breeding, gestation periods, and offspring care.
- Breeding Methods: Natural breeding (mating) and artificial insemination (AI) in farm animals.
- Gestation Period: The length of time an animal carries its offspring before birth, which varies among species.
- Offspring Care: The responsibility of the farmer in caring for newborn animals, including feeding and health management.
- Mating Season: The time when animals are more likely to breed based on environmental or hormonal cues.
- Sexual Dimorphism: The differences between male and female farm animals in terms of physical appearance and reproductive organs.
- Reproductive Health: General care for the reproductive health of farm animals, including disease prevention.
Week 2: Reproduction in Farm Animals II
This week builds on the previous lesson by diving deeper into the different breeding systems and how reproduction is managed for efficient livestock production.
- Controlled Breeding: Methods to control reproduction, such as timed mating or AI to ensure genetic quality.
- Breeding Systems: Different systems of breeding, including inbreeding, outbreeding, and crossbreeding.
- Reproductive Cycles: Understanding the estrous cycle in female animals and its impact on breeding.
- Parturition: The process of giving birth in farm animals, and how to manage it for better health outcomes.
- Mating Behavior: Studying the behavior of farm animals during mating, and how to manage mating in confined settings.
- Health Management During Reproduction: Preventive care for pregnant animals, including vaccinations and parasite control.
Week 3: The Reproductive System in Farm Animals
Students will study the reproductive anatomy of both male and female farm animals, gaining a deeper understanding of how reproductive organs function in various species.
- Male Reproductive System: Key components include testes, epididymis, vas deferens, and the penis, which are responsible for sperm production and ejaculation.
- Female Reproductive System: The ovaries, oviducts, uterus, and vagina, which facilitate egg production, fertilization, and gestation.
- Reproductive Cycles: The hormonal and physical changes in female animals that regulate the timing of breeding.
- Fertilization Process: How sperm and eggs meet in the female reproductive tract, leading to fertilization and pregnancy.
- Artificial Insemination (AI): The introduction of sperm into the reproductive tract by artificial means, used in managing breeding in farm animals.
- Estrous Cycle: The repeating cycle in female animals that leads to ovulation, during which mating is possible.
Week 4: Poultry with Emphasis on Egg Production
This week focuses on poultry reproduction, with an emphasis on egg production. Students will learn about the anatomy of poultry reproductive systems and how eggs are formed and laid.
- Egg Formation: The process of egg development in hens, including yolk formation, egg white production, and shell formation.
- Egg Laying Cycle: The interval between eggs being laid by hens and factors that influence laying frequency, such as light and temperature.
- Poultry Breeding: Selecting the best birds for reproduction, focusing on traits such as egg production and disease resistance.
- Incubation Process: The conditions necessary for incubating eggs to produce chicks, including temperature and humidity control.
- Egg Quality: Understanding the factors that influence egg quality, including shell strength and yolk color.
- Poultry Health Management: Managing poultry health during egg production to ensure high-quality eggs and minimize disease.
Week 5: Terminologies Used with Livestock
This week introduces key terminologies related to livestock management. Students will learn the language of animal husbandry and its significance in efficient farming operations.
- Culling: The process of removing animals from the herd or flock due to illness, injury, or poor reproductive performance.
- Weaning: The process of gradually introducing young animals to solid food and separating them from their mothers.
- Breeding Stock: Animals selected for reproduction based on desired traits, such as high milk yield or fast growth rate.
- Herd/Flock Management: The overall management of livestock, including feeding, health care, and breeding programs.
- Crossbreeding: The process of mating animals from different breeds to achieve specific desirable traits in the offspring.
- Livestock Nutrition: Understanding the dietary requirements of livestock to ensure proper growth and reproductive performance.
Week 6: Reproductive Hormones and Their Functions
This week focuses on the hormones that regulate reproduction in farm animals. Students will learn about the major hormones involved in reproduction and how they influence the reproductive processes.
- Estrogen: A hormone that regulates the estrous cycle in females and helps prepare the body for mating.
- Progesterone: A hormone that maintains pregnancy and supports the development of the fetus in females.
- Testosterone: The primary male sex hormone responsible for the development of male reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics.
- Luteinizing Hormone (LH): A hormone that triggers ovulation in females and stimulates testosterone production in males.
- Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH): A hormone that stimulates the production of eggs in females and sperm in males.
- Oxytocin: A hormone that stimulates uterine contractions during parturition and milk ejection in lactating females.
Week 7: Revision
This week will focus on reviewing all the topics covered during the term. Students will consolidate their knowledge and ensure they are prepared for the examination.
Week 8: Examination
The examination will assess students’ understanding of all topics covered during the term, focusing on both theoretical knowledge and practical application in animal husbandry.