The second term of JSS 1 is an essential part of the educational curriculum. It focuses on enhancing the students’ understanding of various subjects, specifically the French language, through a structured and detailed approach. This article provides a breakdown of the Scheme of Work for the second term, focusing on each topic covered week by week. We will explain these topics in a straightforward and beginner-friendly manner, with examples to ensure that even those with little prior knowledge can easily follow.
Week 1: La Révision du Travail du Premier Trimestre et l’Examen
Topic: Revision of First Term Work and Exam
In the first week, the focus is on revisiting the material learned in the first term. Students will be assessed through an exam that helps them recall and reinforce the lessons they have already covered. The revision process is critical for students to better retain the knowledge and prepare them for upcoming topics.
- Example 1: Reviewing vocabulary lists from the first term.
- Example 2: Revisiting sentence structures studied earlier.
- Example 3: Discussing previous grammar rules such as conjugation of regular verbs.
- Example 4: Practice with reading comprehension from the first term’s materials.
- Example 5: Examining past assignments and correcting mistakes.
- Example 6: Engaging in group discussions to recap key points from the first term.
Week 2: Dire les Dates
Topic: Saying Dates
This week focuses on teaching students how to express dates in French. Understanding how to talk about dates is essential for effective communication. Students will learn how to say the days, months, and years in French.
- Example 1: “Aujourd’hui, c’est lundi.” (Today is Monday.)
- Example 2: “Nous sommes le 15 janvier.” (Today is January 15.)
- Example 3: “Quel jour sommes-nous?” (What day is it?)
- Example 4: “Mon anniversaire est le 5 mars.” (My birthday is on March 5.)
- Example 5: “Demain, c’est le 16 janvier.” (Tomorrow is January 16.)
- Example 6: “Le mois de mai commence le 1er mai.” (The month of May begins on May 1st.)
Week 3: Expression du Temps, Les Jours de la Semaine/Les Mois de l’Année
Topic: Expressing Time, Days of the Week, Months of the Year
Students will learn how to express time in French, as well as the days of the week and months of the year. This topic is fundamental for building basic conversational skills.
- Example 1: “Il est trois heures.” (It is 3 o’clock.)
- Example 2: “Je vais à l’école le lundi.” (I go to school on Monday.)
- Example 3: “Le mois d’août est le huitième mois de l’année.” (August is the eighth month of the year.)
- Example 4: “Le matin, je me lève à sept heures.” (In the morning, I get up at 7 o’clock.)
- Example 5: “Il est midi.” (It is noon.)
- Example 6: “Le mois de décembre est très froid.” (The month of December is very cold.)
Week 4: Que Fait-On Tous les Jours de la Semaine
Topic: What We Do Every Day of the Week
This week, students will focus on discussing daily routines in French. They will learn how to describe their activities throughout the week.
- Example 1: “Le lundi, je vais à l’école.” (On Mondays, I go to school.)
- Example 2: “Le mardi, je fais mes devoirs.” (On Tuesdays, I do my homework.)
- Example 3: “Le mercredi, je fais du sport.” (On Wednesdays, I play sports.)
- Example 4: “Le jeudi, je regarde la télévision.” (On Thursdays, I watch TV.)
- Example 5: “Le vendredi, je rencontre mes amis.” (On Fridays, I meet my friends.)
- Example 6: “Le samedi, je nettoie ma chambre.” (On Saturdays, I clean my room.)
Week 5: Parler du Temps: Quel Temps Fait-Il Aujourd’hui?
Topic: Talking About the Weather
This week’s focus is on discussing the weather. Students will learn how to describe weather conditions and ask about the weather in French.
- Example 1: “Il fait chaud aujourd’hui.” (It is hot today.)
- Example 2: “Il pleut.” (It is raining.)
- Example 3: “Le temps est nuageux.” (The weather is cloudy.)
- Example 4: “Il y a du vent.” (It is windy.)
- Example 5: “Il fait froid.” (It is cold.)
- Example 6: “Il neige.” (It is snowing.)
Week 6: Décrire la Vie Rurale
Topic: Describing Rural Life
In week 6, students will learn about rural life, including farms, nature, and small villages. This topic helps students understand the contrast between rural and urban environments.
- Example 1: “Dans la campagne, il y a beaucoup de fermes.” (In the countryside, there are many farms.)
- Example 2: “Les gens vivent dans des maisons petites.” (People live in small houses.)
- Example 3: “Il y a des champs de blé.” (There are wheat fields.)
- Example 4: “Les fermiers élèvent des animaux.” (Farmers raise animals.)
- Example 5: “Les enfants jouent dehors.” (Children play outside.)
- Example 6: “Il n’y a pas beaucoup de voitures.” (There are not many cars.)
Week 7: Décrire la Vie Urbaine
Topic: Describing Urban Life
Students will now focus on urban life, including the city’s fast pace, buildings, and activities. This helps students understand the differences between rural and urban settings.
- Example 1: “Dans la ville, il y a beaucoup de voitures.” (In the city, there are many cars.)
- Example 2: “Les gens vivent dans des appartements.” (People live in apartments.)
- Example 3: “Il y a des magasins partout.” (There are stores everywhere.)
- Example 4: “Les rues sont très animées.” (The streets are very busy.)
- Example 5: “Il y a des transports en commun.” (There is public transportation.)
- Example 6: “Les immeubles sont très grands.” (The buildings are very tall.)
Week 8: Visiter les Lieux Publics
Topic: Visiting Public Places
This week focuses on visiting different public places such as parks, libraries, and museums. Students will learn how to talk about these places in French.
- Example 1: “J’aime visiter le parc.” (I like visiting the park.)
- Example 2: “La bibliothèque est calme.” (The library is quiet.)
- Example 3: “Il y a un musée d’art dans la ville.” (There is an art museum in the city.)
- Example 4: “Les enfants jouent au parc.” (The children play at the park.)
- Example 5: “Nous avons visité un zoo.” (We visited a zoo.)
- Example 6: “Les gens se promènent dans les rues.” (People walk on the streets.)
Week 9: Indiquer le Chemin (Ou se Trouver)
Topic: Giving Directions
This lesson will teach students how to give and ask for directions in French. They will practice using common phrases for navigating their surroundings.
- Example 1: “Où est la gare?” (Where is the train station?)
- Example 2: “Tournez à gauche.” (Turn left.)
- Example 3: “Allez tout droit.” (Go straight ahead.)
- Example 4: “La bibliothèque est près de l’école.” (The library is near the school.)
- Example 5: “Le restaurant est à côté du parc.” (The restaurant is next to the park.)
- Example 6: “Prenez la première rue à droite.” (Take the first street on the right.)
Week 10: Mon École se Trouve à Côté de l’Hôpital Général
Topic: Describing the Location of Places
In this final week, students will learn how to describe the location of places, especially how to talk about their school or other significant locations in relation to well-known places like hospitals.
- Example 1: “Mon école est près de l’hôpital.” (My school is near the hospital.)
- Example 2: “La banque est à côté de la pharmacie.” (The bank is next to the pharmacy.)
- Example 3: “Le supermarché est en face de l’école.” (The supermarket is in front of the school.)
- Example 4: “L’église est derrière le parc.” (The church is behind the park.)
- Example 5: “Le musée est à gauche de la bibliothèque.” (The museum is to the left of the library.)
- Example 6: “La poste est à côté du restaurant.” (The post office is next to the restaurant.)