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SSS 1 Government Scheme of Work for Second Term

Comprehensive Guide on SSS 1 Revision and Examination for Government Second Term

The SSS 1 Government Scheme of Work for the second term provides a structured curriculum aimed at teaching students the foundational concepts of governance. This article explains the weekly breakdown, with detailed descriptions of each topic, their importance, and real-world applications. Designed to cater to students and educators alike, this guide ensures that even beginners grasp these concepts with ease.

Scheme of Work for Second Term (SSS 1 Government)

Week(s) Topic(s) Content
1 Types and Characteristics of Government Unitary Government: Meaning, features, advantages, disadvantages, success factors, resource control.
2 Federal Government Federation: Definition, reasons for federating, features, resource control, merits, demerits.
3 Presidential System of Government Definition, characteristics, resource control, advantages, disadvantages.
4 Parliamentary/Cabinet System of Government Definition, characteristics, merits, demerits, differences from presidential system.
5 Confederal Government Meaning, features, resource control, merits, demerits, comparison with federalism.
6 Monarchy Definition, forms (absolute, constitutional), resource control, features, merits, demerits.
7 Republicanism Definition, features, resource control, comparison with monarchy.
8 Constitutions and Constitutionalism Meaning, sources, scope, features, types, constitutionalism.
9 Executive Composition, functions, control, honesty, and integrity.
10 Legislature and Judiciary Functions, types, stages of passing a bill, judicial independence, limitations, honesty and integrity.
11 Revision Review of all topics taught during the term.
12 Examination Formal assessment of the term’s content.

Explanation of Each Topic

Week 1: Types and Characteristics of Government (Unitary Government)

Week 2: Federal Government

Week 3: Presidential System of Government

Week 4: Parliamentary/Cabinet System of Government

Week 5: Confederal Government

Week 6: Monarchy

Week 7: Republicanism

Week 8: Constitutions and Constitutionalism

Week 9: Executive

Week 10: Legislature and Judiciary




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