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JSS2 Social Studies Lesson Note- Third Term

JSS2 Social Studies Lesson Note- Third Term



  1. Science, Technology and Society I 
  1. Science, Technology and the Society II 
  1. Science, Technology and Society III
  1. Science, Technology and Society IV
  1.    Assertiveness I
  1. National Economy I

Savings and Ways of Saving 

–     Reasons for Saving

  1. National Economy II

–      Keeping Money in the Bank

–      Advantages of Keeping Money in the Bank

–      Problems and Solutions to Saving Money in the Bank

  1. National Economy III 


  1. Finding Help


  1. Revision
  2. Examination


  1. SolakatNew Syllabus on Social Studies for Junior Secondary Schools Books 2 by OluwasolaOyewole

Read Also: JSS1 Social Studies Examination Past Question-3rd Term

JSS2 Social Studies Lesson Note- Third Term
JSS2 Social Studies Lesson Note- Third Term


TOPIC: National Economy I



Savings may be defined as a way of keeping money and other valuable for use at any time it is needed.

Traditional Method of Saving:

Before the modern methods or ways of savings, there had been different ways of saving money in the past which included:

  1. Keeping money inside clay pots.
  2. Keeping money in a dug ground.
  3. Entrusted into the care of relatives.
  4. Keeping with money keepers.
  5. Keeping money under the sleeping materials such as mattress and pillow.
  6. Keeping money under the roof of the house


  1. Define savings.
  2. What are the traditional methods of savings?


TOPIC: Modern Methods of Saving


Unlike the ways adopted for savings in the past, the modern ways of saving are more assuring and secured. Modern ways of savings are:

  1. In the banks.
  2. With financial houses.
  3. With cooperatives.
  4. By buying of stocks or shares.

Reasons For Savings


  1. Identify four modern methods of saving.
  2. What are the reasons for saving money?


  1. What is the meaning of gender roles?
  2. Give five examples of gender roles.
  3. Mention five factors that influence gender roles.
  4. What is the meaning of gender stereotypes?
  5. Give examples of gender stereotypes.


Macmillan Social Studies Book 2 by M.A. Orebanjo, I.O. Osokoya, R. Acholonu et-al Pages 92-94.


  1. Savings means A. Keeping money for use at anytime it is needed B. Spending money anytime 
  1. Exchange of goods for goods D. Exchange of money for money.
  1. All the following are modern ways of saving except A. By buying shares B. in the bank C. keeping inside clay pots D. by saving with financial houses.
  2. All the following are reasons for savings except A. To have money for future uses B. For reckless spending C. for future investment. For solving unexpected problems
  3. One of the following is not a way of saving in the past A. Keeping inside clay pots B. Keeping in a dug ground C. keeping in the bank D. Keeping money under sleeping materials
  4. Modern ways of savings are A. Not reliable B. Are not trustworthy C. are not assuring and secured 
  5. Are assuring and secured.


  1. Define savings
  2. Identify three olden days ways of savings.
  3. Give three reasons for savings.


TOPIC: National Economy II

PERIOD I: Keeping Money in the Bank.


Banks are the institutions established for safe keeping of our money and other valuable materials. People also take loans from the banks to do certain things such as building houses or to embark on commercial projects.

Types of Banks

  1. Central Bank: The central bank is owned by the federal government. The central bank of Nigeria performs several functions such as printing of currency and granting of loans to commercial banks. There is only one central bank of Nigeria with branches in all the states capitals.
  2. Commercial Banks: Commercial banks include all specialized banks and micro finance banks which serve the general public in various ways such as keeping of money, giving loans to customers etc. Examples of commercial banks in Nigeria are Zenith bank, Union bank, Wema bank, Access bank, First bank etc. These commercial banks are not owned by the government they are owned by individuals.
  3. Mortgage Banks
  4. Merchant Banks

Advantages of Keeping Money in The Bank

  1. It helps to control reckless spending.
  2. Money kept in the bank can be withdrawn when needed.
  3. Money kept in the bank yields interest.
  4. It enhances privacy.
  5. It prevents risks of theft or loss.


  1. Define bank.
  2. Explain the two types of bank.
  3. What are the advantages of keeping money in the bank?


TOPIC: Problems Associated With Keeping Money in Banks


  1. To open an account in the bank is often times very difficult. It requires filling forms, taking passport photographs and presenting identity cards, international passport or driving license.
  2. Not all the customers to the banks are literates. The population of Nigerian who are illiterates is very high. A large number of illiterate people feel frustrated with all the process of transaction in the banks.
  3. Some bank customers find it difficult o withdraw money with their automated teller machines (ATM) cards. Most automated teller machines are old, outdated and do not dispense money as at and when needed. 
  4. Most people do not keep their money in the banks because of fear of armed robbers. This is an unfortunate situation which at times discourage saving money in banks.

Solutions To The Problems Of Keeping Money In The Banks

  1. People need to be educated on the benefits of saving money in banks.
  2. The illiterates people among us should be encouraged and assured of the safety of their money kept in the banks.
  3. Banks should make sure that services are delivered quickly and faster with the use of computer systems and modern automated teller machines to reduce long queues in our banks.
  4. Bankers should show understanding with their customers and not be aggressive.


  1. What are the problems associated with keeping money in banks.
  2. Suggest solutions to the problems of keeping money in the banks.


  1. Mention five negative effects of gender stereotypes.
  2. What are the importances of gender equality?
  3. Define accident.
  4. Suggest five ways of preventing accidents in the school.
  5. Identify three steps to take when accidents occur in the school.


Macmillan Social Studies Book 2 by M.A. Orebanjo, I.O Osokoya, R.Acholoun et al Pages 92 – 94.


  1. A bank is a place we _____ A. buy food B. eat Food C. keep our money and other valuable materials D. acquire education.
  2. Which of the following banks is responsible for printing currency in Nigeria A. Central bank
  1. Commercial banks C. Micro Finance banks D. First bank
  1. All the following banks are commercial banks except A. First bank B. Central bank C. Union bank 
  1. Wema bank.
  1. One of the following is not an advantage of keeping money in the bank A. It helps to control reckless spending B. Money kept in the bank yields interest C. money kept in the bank can be withdrawn at anytime D. Money kept in the bank cannot be withdrawn.
  2. The full meaning of ATM is A. Automated Teller Machine B. Advanced Teller Machine
  3. Automated Teller Module D. Automated Telephone Machine.


  1. Mention five advantages of keeping money in the bank.
  2. Identify three problems associated with keeping money in the banks.


TOPIC: National Economy III

PERIOD I: Communication: Meaning 


Communication means getting information or message across to people. It could be verbal or non-verbal means of communication. It also means the passing of information from one person to another.

The Traditional Methods of Communication

Before the advent of writing and other modern methods of sending information, people in traditional societies made use of different methods.

  1. The use of drums: Drums were used to pass information to people in traditional societies. Flutes and gongs were also used in traditional societies to send information to people.
  2. The uses of town criers: Traditional rulers in Yoruba and Igbo lands used the town criers to send information to people. When there were meetings to be held, town criers went about the communities informing people of the meetings
  3. The use of symbols: People made use of particular symbols and objects to send information across to people in traditional societies.
  4. Gunpowder was one of the objects used in traditional societies. If gunpowder is sent to a community leader, the information is that the community should prepare for attack or war.

Modern Types of Communication

  1. Postal Systems: This was the earliest modern means of communication. It was introduced into Nigeria in 1851. It involves sending letters at locations called post office. The letters will then be taken to addresses written on the envelopes.
  2. Newspapers: The newspapers are one of the ways of modern communication. The first newspaper in Nigeria was called IweIroyin published in 1859 in Abeokuta. Names of other newspapers in Nigeria today are guardian, punch, daily times, tribune etc.
  3. Radio and Television: The Radio and Television are the means of sending information and messages across to people. Goods and services are also advertised on radio and television stations.
  4. Telephone: The use of telephones is the fastest means of communication today. In Nigeria, we have the land phone and the mobile phone services (GSM) GSM means global system of mobile communication. There are many service providers of mobile phones.


  1. Internet: Information could be sent or received through the use of internet services. Individuals carry e-mail addresses while institutions and corporations have website, www means World Wide Web.


  1. Define communication.
  2. Mention the traditional methods of communication.
  3. Mention the modern methods of communication.


TOPIC: The Importance or Roles of Communication


  1. Proper uses of modern means of communication will promote economic development of individuals and the country.
  2. Communication is source of revenue to government and individuals.  Government and people generate a lot of money through communication.
  3. Communication saves time and cost. The use of mobile phones saves peoples time and money.
  4. Communication through the modern ways promotes our culture. Cultures of people are made known to others through the pages of newspaper, radio and television stations.
  5. Effective communication promotes national and International Cooperation and understanding.
  6. Modern means of communication assists in the spread of information from one part of the world to others.


What are the roles of modern means of communication to the development of the society?

General EVALUATION QUESTIONS / Revision Questions

  1. Define harmful substances.
  2. Give five examples of harmful substances.
  3. Identify five ways of preventing intake of harmful substances.
  4. Mention the states that are found in the north central geo-political zone of Nigeria.
  5. Why is family regarded as the primary source of value?


Macmillan Social Studies Book 2 by M.A. Orebanjo, I.O. Osokoya, R. Acholonu Pages 46 – 48.


  1. The government agency responsible for carrying letters from one place to another is A. NIPOST B. PHCN C. NNPC D. NDLEA
  2. Communication means one of the following A. Movement of people B. Passing of information from one person to another C. movement of animals from one place to another D. Movement of goods and services.
  3. One of the following is not a traditional means of communication A. Town criers B. Flutes and gongs C. drums D. Radio and television.
  4. The first newspaper in Nigeria was A. IweIroyin B. Punch C. guardian D. Daily times.
  5. What is the fastest means of communication A. Radio B. Television C. NIPOST D. Telephone.
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