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JSS1 Mathematics Lesson Plan and Scheme-First Term

JSS1 Mathematics Lesson Plan and Scheme-First Term

JSS1 Mathematics Lesson Plan and Scheme-First Term

JSS1 Mathematics Lesson Plan and Scheme-First Term for the academic session. Download full contents of Lesson notes and plan on Edujects.

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Weeks Topic
1 Whole Numbers Counting and Writing (i) Millions (ii) Billions (iii) Trillions
2 Whole Numbers Continued: Problems solving in quantitative aptitude reasoning using large numbers
3 Lowest Common Multiple (L.C.M) and Highest Common Factor (H.C.F) of Whole Numbers. (a) Concepts of L.C.M and H.C.F (b) L.C.M and H.C.F of quantitative reasoning
4 Fractions: (a) Meaning of Fraction (b) Types of fractions (Proper & Improper) (c) Mixed numbers
5 Fractions continued: Equivalent Fractions ( Identify and apply equivalent fractions in showing commodities and problems solving in quantitative aptitude)
6 Fractions continued. (a) ordering of fractions (b) conversion of fractions to percentage and vice versa (c) conversion of fraction to decimal and vice versa
7 Review of the first half term’s work and periodic test
8 Fractions continued: Addition and subtraction of fractions
9 Fractions Continued: (a) Multiplication and Division of fractions (b) Prime numbers and factors
10 Estimation: (i) Concept of estimation and reasons (ii) Estimation of dimensions and reasons (iii) Estimation of capacity(volumes) and mass of objects (iv) Estimation of other things (v) Quantitative reasoning involving estimation
11 Revision of the 1st term’s work and preparation for the first term examination
12 First term examination

JSS1 Mathematics Lesson Note and Plan- First Term




Relate: JSS2 Mathematics Lesson Notes- Third Term


It is likely that mathematics began when people started to count and measure. Counting and measuring are part of everyday life.

Ancient people used fingers and toes to help them count or group numbers in different number bases. This led them to collect numbers in groups: sometimes 5s (fingers of one hand), sometimes 10s (both hands) and even in 20s (hands and feet). When people group numbers in 5s, we say they use a base five method. The most common bases used were five, ten and twenty. For example, a person with thirty-two cows would say ‘I have six fives and two cows’ when counting in base ten. The most widely used base is base ten also called the denary system.

Other bases of counting: seven and sixty

7 days = 1 week

60 seconds = 1 minute

60 minutes = 1 hour

In English, ‘dozen’ means 12, ‘score’ means 20 and ‘gross’ means 144


System of Counting

Tally marks were probably the first numerals.

The ancient people employed tally marks to count large numbers. The tally marks were scratched on stones or sometimes cut on sticks but today we use tally marks to count or record large data, especially in statistics.

A tally mark of 5 is written by putting a line across a tally count of 4.

i.e          = 4   and          = 5

Example 1

Draw the tally marks for each of the following numbers:

  1. 34     (b) 15


  1. 34 = 
  2. 15 = 



  1. During a dry season, it did not rain for 128 days. How many weeks and days is this?
  2. What is the number represented by
  3. Draw the tally marks for each of the following numbers: (a) 43   (b) 52

The Romans used capital letters of the alphabets to represent numbers. Many people believe that the Romans used the fingers to represent numbers as follows:

I for one finger, II for two fingers, III for three fingers, V for five fingers and X for the combination of two hands ( or two V’s) .

The Roman also used Ljss2 for fifty, C for hundred, D for five hundred and M for one thousand as shown below.

Hindu-Arabic Roman Numeral Hindu-Arabic Roman Numeral
1 20 XX
2 II 40 XL
3 III 50 L
4 IV 60 LX
5 V 90 XC
6 VI 100 C
7 VII 400 CD
8 VIII 500 D
9 IX 900 CM
10 X 1000 M

The Roman used the subtraction and addition method to obtain other numerals. For example

  1. IV means V- I i.e.  5- 4 = 4
  2. VI means V+ I, i.e. 5 + 1 = 6
  3. IX means X- I, i.e. 10 – 1 = 9
  1. XXIV means XX + IV = 20 + 4 = 24
  2. CD means D- C = 500 – 100 = 400
  3. MC means M + C = 1000 + 100 = 1100


Example 1

Change the following numbers to Roman numerals: (a) 2459       (b)  3282


  1. 2459— 2000 = MM

                     400 =  CD

                       50 =  L

                         9 = IX

                  2459 = MMCDLIX

  1. 3282  = 3000    + 200   + 80    + 2

          = MMM    CC   LXXX    II

i.e 3282 = MMMCCLXXXII



  1. Write the following Roman figures in natural ( or counting) numbers:
  1. MMMCLIV     (b) MMCDLXXI   (c) MCMIX     (d) DCCCIV
  1. Write the following natural numbers in Roman figures:
  1. 2659     (b) 1009     (c) 3498     (d) 1584


A counting board is a block of stone or wood ruled in columns. Loose counters, pebbles, stones or seeds in the columns show the value of the numbers in the columns.

Counters in the right-hand column (U) represent units, counters in the next column (T) represent tens, and so on.

●● ●●●● ●●●●

                    2             7               5

The diagram below is a counting board showing the number 275.

Read Also: JSS2 Mathematics Lesson Notes- Third Term

An abacus is a frame consisting of beads or disks that can be moved up or down (i.e. slide) on a series of wires or strings. Each wire has its own value. Both abacus and counting board work in the same way when carrying out calculations.

Example 1

M HTH   TH   H    T   U

An Abacus showing 2703

Numbers of units, tens, hundreds,…….., are each represented by a single numeral.

(a). For a whole number:

– the units place is at the right-hand end of the number.

– the tens place is next to the units place on the left, and so on

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For example: 5834 means ↓

5  thousands,  8 hundreds, 3 tens, and 4 units.

See the illustration below:


5           8           3            4

(b) for decimal fraction, we count the places to the right from the decimal point as tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.

See the illustration below:

↓         ↓         ↓         ↓          ↓

6         .          7          9         8


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