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JSS 2 Home Economics

In JSS 2, Home Economics introduces students to practical skills and knowledge related to daily living. This lesson plan will focus on essential aspects of fashion design, food safety, and preservation. Students will learn hands-on techniques that will not only equip them with the basics of creating clothing but also give them insight into how to manage food purchasing and preservation effectively.

Week 1: Revision of Basic Concepts

This week focuses on reviewing previously learned concepts and reinforcing students’ understanding of core Home Economics topics, especially those related to fashion design and food management.

Key Concepts:


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are the key steps in constructing a basic garment?
  2. Describe the process of safely purchasing and handling food.

Week 2 to 7: Basic Pattern Drafting Techniques and Fashion Designing

This series of lessons will introduce students to the fundamental techniques in fashion design, focusing on pattern drafting. Students will learn how to take measurements, create basic patterns, and understand how these patterns are used to create garments.

Key Concepts:

Students will draft a basic skirt pattern, take measurements (waist, hips, length), and then cut the fabric accordingly. They will sew the pieces together to create a simple skirt.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. How do you accurately take measurements for drafting patterns?
  2. What are the key elements to consider when designing a simple garment?
  3. Can you explain the difference between pattern drafting and garment construction?

Week 8 & 9: Food Purchasing, Processing, Preservation, and Safety

These lessons will cover the essential principles of managing food, from purchasing it to its processing, preservation, and maintaining safety. Students will learn how to choose safe and quality ingredients, as well as proper storage techniques to keep food fresh and safe for consumption.

Key Concepts:

A class might be tasked with purchasing fruits and vegetables, checking their freshness, and then processing them for a simple salad. They will also learn safe storage methods for the leftovers.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. What factors should be considered when purchasing food for a family?
  2. What are the different methods of preserving food, and why are they important?
  3. How can food safety practices prevent foodborne illnesses?


The goal of JSS 2 Home Economics is to give students the tools and knowledge they need to take care of themselves and their families in both the culinary and fashion domains. By learning the basics of pattern drafting, fashion design, and food safety, students can apply these practical skills to everyday life and potentially pursue them as hobbies or careers in the future.


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