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English Language Lesson Plan for Senior Secondary School

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Lesson Plan for Senior Secondary School 2

English Language Lesson Plan for Senior Secondary School 2. This lesson plan is in line with the approved scheme of work by the Ministry of Education. Here is the format for preparing the lesson plan as Language tutor.  We have made it easy for teachers to copy and edit lesson plans based on their scheme of work. NOTE: it is an offence for a teacher to enter a class without proper planning

Class SS2
Date March 11th to 15th, 2024
Subject English Language
Period 5
Duration 40 minutes per period
Resource Materials i. J. Eyisi etal (2014) New Concept English for SS2. Learn Africa PLC, Ikeja, Lagos.

ii. Banjo Ayo, (2020) New Oxford Secondary School English for SS2 (UBE) Ibadan, Nigeria, University Press Plc.

iii. Advanced Learner’s Dictionary by  the Cambridge University Press (Hard copy)

Instructional materials l Use of power point slides

l Charts- illustrating active and passive sentence

l Use of video:

Aspect Grammar
Topic Active and Passive Sentence
Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to;

i. Differentiate between active and passive sentence;

ii. Write the active and passive forms of the verbs using adequate examples.

iii. Construct different sentence in the active and passive voice forms.

Day 2






Day 3

Recognizing Stress Pattern

i. Explain what stress pattern is

ii. Identify where the stress falls on (either first/second or third syllable)

iii. Recognize the stress pattern that is odd/different from others.

Writing: Article

i. Differentiate between article writing and letter writing.

ii. List and discuss the features of an article writing.

Key Vocabulary Words Active sentence, passive voice, subject, object, agent, construction, verbs.
Previous Knowledge The students have prior knowledge of the topic, as they were introduced to it in previous lessons.
Content Definition of Active Voice

Active sentences are sentences where the subject performs the action. In active sentences, the subject is who/what is completing the action of the verb.

Strategies/ Activities Day 1:

Step 1: The teacher introduces the class by by explaining the concept of active voice.

Step 2: The students and teacher interact on the differences between active and passive sentence.

Step 3: Students, in small group, work together to compare and contrast and contrast active and passive voice.

Step 4: The teacher explains active and passive form of the sentences using chart to illustrate  adequate examples.

Step 5. The students were asked to construct different sentences in active and passive form.

Step 6: students where allowed to ask questions and proper feedback was given

Step 7: Students where guided by the teacher while carrying out their class work and marking and feedback was given immediately.

Step 8: The teacher recapitulates on salient points as he gives  assignment to the students.

Day 2

The teacher introduces the class by playing video that demonstrates stress pattern.

Step 2: The students and teacher interact by identifying where stress falls on certain words.

Step 3: Students, in small group, work together to identify stress pattern.

Step 4: Students are asked to identify the stress pattern that is odd/different from others words.

Step 5: students where allowed to ask questions and proper feedback was given.

Step 6: Students where guided by the teacher while carrying out their class work and marking and feedback was given immediately.

Step 7: The teacher recapitulates on salient points as he gives  assignment to the students.

Day 3


Step1: The teacher introduces the class by hilariously explaining articles and letter writing.

Step 2: The students and teacher interact on the differences between active and passive sentence.

Step 3: Students, in small group, work together to compare articles and letter writing.

Step 4: The teacher lists and discusses articles using chart to illustrate  adequate examples.

Step 5. The students were asked to  give the features of article writing.

Step 6: students where allowed to ask questions and proper feedback was given

Step 7: Students where guided by the teacher while carrying out their class work and marking and feedback was given immediately.

Step 8: The teacher recapitulates on salient points as he gives  assignment to the students.


Assessment/ Evaluation PERIOD 1:

1. Turn these sentences from active to passive form

i. Audu closed the door quickly

ii. Nkechi cut the room

2. Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice:

i. They sang some songs.

ii. Women prefer smaller cars.

iii. His trap has caught a rat.


1. Identify the stress pattern in the following words:

i. Photograph

ii. Telephone

iii. Remember

A. Explain what stress pattern is, in your own words.


A. Explain the features of article writing

B. Write an outline on the topic “Examination Malpractice.


Wrap -up / Conclusion The teacher wraps up the class by randomly choosing students and engaging them in open-ended questioning
 Assignment Change the following from active voice to passive voice.

1. Dele took the book

2. I threw a stone

3. She broke the window

4. The man stole a box

5. The postman delivered the letters


1. Write ten words of five syllables each. Indicate the position of stress in each word.

2. Refer to page 25-26 New Concept English for SS2. “HOMEWORK”


Write an article for publication in your school magazine on the causes and consequences of increase in cult activities on our campuses.

Weekend Assignment 1. Refer to New Oxford  to page 95-98, and answer questions on the exercises.

2. Write the active and passive forms of the verbs using adequate examples

HODs. Comments and Endorsement


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